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Hong Kong
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Location: -> Exhibitions -> Hong Kong
Exhibition Date:2017年2月7日-2017年2月22日
exhibition Add:香港云峰画苑
Exhibition Time:
Watercolor Exhibition of Leung Yun Charm [2011年7月16日 - 2011年7月29日]
    Leung Yun Charm, born in Hong Kong in 1958. Painting has been his keen interest since he was young. Through perseverance, he was selected as a finalist in the Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhib......
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Nostalgia and imagination - Painting Exhibition of Hu Yongkai [2011年6月25日 - 2011年7月8日]
    Hu Yongkai creates his own unique style rather than following others’ footsteps. He is one of the most popular Chinese contemporary artists in western countries. He succeeds in blending the charisma......
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Gunter Grossholz & Wan Yuxi Oil Painting Exhibition [2011年5月7日 - 2011年5月16日]
    Wan Fung Art Gallery proudly presents to you the “Gunter Grossholz & Wan Yuxi Oil Painting Exhibition” starting from 7 to 16 May. The opening ceremony will start at 5pm, 7 May. Gunter and Yuxi will ......
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Affection for Landscape -Fine Art Exhibition of Feng Yiming [2011年4月9日 - 2011年4月21日]
    Wan Fung Art Gallery proudly presents to you the Affection for Landscape - Fine Art Exhibition of Feng Yiming starting from 9 to 21 April. Let your mind ramble freely in the sublime and poetic scene c......
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