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Exhibition Period:2014年5月8日-2014年5月22日                    Exhibition Venue:香港云峰画苑
Gallery Hours:星期一至六 (上午10时 – 下午6时半),星期日及公众假期休息

3rd generation of the Lingnan School
of Henry Wo Yue-Kee


Fung Art Gallery proudly presents, ''Art of Henry Wo Yue-Kee'' exhibition from
8 May to22 May. The Exhibition features more
than 50 pieces
of Henry’s ink paintings.
The cocktail
reception will start at 3pm on 8 May(Thu).

Wo is particularly fond of sketching lotus as he admires the lightness,
elegance and refined attributes of it. Countless praises about lotus by ancient
Chinese literati may already resonate with Mr. Hu, making him devote himself
into the art of lotus. Wo has an authentic yet unique presentation of lotus
ponds. Through concentrated and prolong observation, he kept on study the
morphology and states of lotus under different climates. After years, he succeeded
in capturing beautiful ambience, luxurious color and also fresh image of lotus.


As the third generation of the Lingnan School,
being one of the outstanding representative, Mr. Wo has also inherited the fine
tradition of brushstrokes from previous decades, helped Lingnan Art growing its
branches and leaves overseas. Wo has definitely made ​​a significant
contribution to the exposure of Lingnan School Art in both China and the
international art world.

Wan Fung Art Gallery
cordially invites you to the opening reception for  ''Art of 
Henry Wo Yue-Kee''    at 3pm Thursday, 5 May 2014.










Exhibition Period :



8.5.2014 – 22.5.2014



Exhibition Venue  :



Wan Fung
   Art Gallery






3/F, New Lee Wah Centre, 88 To Kwa Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong



Opening Hours :



Monday – Saturday 10:00 – 18:30






Close on Sunday  &
  Public Holidays



Tel :



  2736 9623



Website  :   





胡宇基,原名胡成业,1927年出生于广东省东莞市。1947年进入香港万国美术专科学校进修中国画和西洋画。1949年师从岭南名师赵少昂之门。20世纪70年代移民美国华府近郊定居,设画室于维州Torpedo Factory艺术中心及麻省Martha''s Vineyard画室专心创作,举办展览及致力于传授岭南画艺。20世纪80年代至今,穿梭中国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、东南地区及港澳台等地举行画展、交流及写生。胡氏一生为岭南画艺贡献,其作品绘出柔和、喜悦、安祥、诗意、富有神韵的景色风格,赞颂奇妙的大自然及造物主。愿此“古意今情” 得以颂扬,与众共享。

Artist:Hu Yuji
Size: (139.5x74)cm

Artist:Hu Yuji
Size: (70x73)cm

Artist:Hu Yuji
Size: (69x69)cm

Artist:Hu Yuji
Size: (68.5x130)cm

Artist:Hu Yuji
Size: (67.5x138.5)cm

Artist:Hu Yuji
Size: (58.5x92.5)cm

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