1960 生於江蘇省徐州市
1975 《學農》入選徐州美術展
1978 參與組織犀牛畫會
1982 於徐州舉辦“七青年”油畫展
1987 於徐州舉辦犀牛畫會“87行為藝術”活動,為期兩天
1987 舉辦徐州“87藝術幻燈展”
1988 於 彭城大學(現徐州工程學院)美術系畢業
1995 於北京從事影視藝術指導參與拍攝了速食麵時代、聖殿、一年到頭、夢之隊、社區物業等影片
2000 裝置《吸附》入選南京“曬太陽”前衛藝術活動
2001 《山地》入選第二屆徐州油畫展並獲大獎
2003 裝置《土》入選中國北京國際美術雙年展
2004 《陽臺》參加法國Cvac Alsace都市新活動影像展
2004 《陽臺》入選西班牙巴賽隆納當代藝術中心影像展
2005 《陽臺》入選荷蘭阿姆斯特丹影像展
2012 11月舉辦徐州工程學院“往屆-五人行”藝術展
2013 4月於徐州藝術館舉辦個人當代觀念藝術展
2013 作品《拾穗》應邀於北京時代美術館參加雅昌藝術家聯展









1960 Born in Xuzhou city ,Jiangsu province, China.
1978 Took part in organizing Rhinoceros Artworks
meeting and held Artworks Exhibition
1982 Took part in holding “Seven Young People
Painting Exibition” in Xuzhou
1987 Took part in holding 2-day “87 Behavior Artwork
Activity” of Rhinoceros Artworks Meeting in Xuzhou
1988 Graduate from Pengcheng University (Xuzhou Institute of Technology) Art College
1995 Engaged in instruction work on film and TV art in Beijing and acted as Art Director in the film-“Times of Fast Nooldes”/The Temple/ Throughout the Year Dream Team, Residential Rroperty/and other films.
2001 Artwork “Hilly Country” took part in Second Xuzhou
Painting Exhibition and won “Excel lent Artwork Prize”
2002 The Installation-“Absorb” took part in the “Party of Basking in the Sun shine” in the Nanjing
2003 The Installation “Dust” was selected in “Beijing
International Art Biennale 2003 China”
2004 Videowork “Balcony” took part in the Exhibition
“New Urban Energy” in France
2004 Videowork “Balcony”took part in the Exhibition of
the Modern Art Center in Barcelona ,Spain
2005 “balcony” was selected for the photo exhibition in
2013 Held the personal exhibition in Xuzhou Art
“The Gleaners” was invited to participate in “2013
Artron Exhibition” in Beijing Times Art Museum.



林 間 村 道
旗 幟
oil on canvas



一切為了消費,我們的生活被“消費機器”所圍繞,一塊美麗的土地可以轉換銷售他方。隨著科技不斷融入我們生活的方方面面,讓我們不斷往前進,要理解這些科技變化能夠引發的深遠改變,只要問自己一個簡單的問題。毀滅地球的貪婪和痴愚的力量,未來亦不知何去何從。身為人類的我們,發現自己最為迷惑,掉進自己創造的夢魘之中。不過在這種可悲的情况,還有一個重要的希望來源,那就是一切偉大的神秘傳統, 它們的精神仍然存在。

What will happen in the future? Technology is developing rapidly, we probably no need to wait for 100 years to change the world. Our life will become to what we cannot imagine. Everything for the consumption, our life are surrounded by the “consumption machine”, even a wonderful land can be changed to a selling place.
The technology keeps integrating into every aspect of our life, leading us gohead. We may understand how technology could cause the profound change by asking ourselves a simple question. The existence of greed and moronism makes us losing the way. As a human, we are feeling confuse and felling into the nightmare that we create. However, in this pessimistic situation, there is an important source of hope, which is all the great mystical traditions, and its spirit still exists.