2006 香港情繫中西區—香港畫家水彩、油畫作品展
2008 毫端情懷香港油畫展
2008 「薑樂」2008繪畫作品邀請展–廣州.香港
2009 作品入選第十一屆全國美展
2009 作品入選香港當代藝術雙年獎
2009 第九屆中西區文化節.香港風華-香港畫家邀請展
2009 具象+抽象-香港當代油畫水彩版畫展
2009 跨越-共融2009年香港油畫作品展
2009 雲峰畫苑-香港青年藝術家邀請大展
2010 穗港澳油畫巡迴展
2009 回到生活北京香港油畫邀請展
2010 花語.豆蔻年華-潘輝躍.徐淵作品展
2010 《當下香》香港當代藝術家恊會首展
2011 《色彩與家園》香港油畫研究會首展
2012 香港首屆油畫大賽
2013 《後現代主義 ﹣ 新當代藝術展》










Poon was born in 1963 in Fujian Province, China., was a
visiting scholar in Beijing Xu Beihong Studio in 1987 and in the Chinese Central Institute of Arts’Oil Painting Department from 1988 to 1991.
His art works have been on display at following events:
2006 The Central Western District Exhibition of Water
Color and Oil Painting Works by Hong Kong Artists
2008 Invitation Exhibition by Hong Kong Oil Painting
Guang Zhou-Hong Kong ”Ginger Coke” Invitational Exhibition
2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition of the Republic of
China, Shan Tou.
The Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Awards 2009
Hong Kong Painters Invitational Exhibition at the
9th Central-Western Cultural Festival Hong Kong Modern Oil Painting, Water Color and Wood Print Exhibition
Across-Harmont- Hong Kong Oil Painting Exhibition
Invitational Exhibition for Young Hong Kong Artists
organized by Wan Fung Art Gallery Return to Life Beijing-Hong Kong Oil Painting Invitational Exhibition
2010 Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Macau Oil Painting Exhibition Tour
Whispers of the Girls and Flowers-Exhibition of
Poon Yuek Fai and Tsui Yuen.Hong Kong
2013 Postmodernism - New Contemporary Art Exhibition


Dancing girl
oil on canvas
都 市 幻 影
city illusions


在現代社會發展中,人們都在尋找自己的存在位置。中國的經濟在高速發展,由此帶來了種種社會問題,比如人們對物質、股市、樓市的盲目追求, 導致人產生不同的心理現象。她們崇拜名牌、追求精神刺激、濫用藥品,造成了精神上的空虛與孤獨! 我的畫在某種程度上是在尋找我個人的感覺,通過大女孩愛美的形象來表達當代都市青年對自身在社會的定位,尋找她們自我平衡的方式。在作品中我用典雅清爽的抒情性、單純化的形式表現無機的美態。這幾年我不斷在畫面上尋找時代背景感,形與色的刺激來傳達美的芬芳,她們一時驚喜一時焦慮,混雜的

In nowadays society, people are looking for their existence position. The rapid development of China ‘s economy, which brings out a lots of social problem, such as the materialism, the desire to stock market , property market. It causes people suffering in different psychological phenomenon. They adore the luxuries, the excitement of mental stimulation, drug abuse, resulting in a spiritual emptiness and loneliness !
My paintings are seeking for my own personal feeling, through a girl image to express how the youth positioning themself into the community, and the balance way of them. With a fresh and simplistic forms in my works, to show the organic beauty. In recent years, I have been looking for a sense of times on the background, with shape and color to convey the beauty. Sometimes they feel surprise and sometimes feel anxiety, those complicated emotions indicates the confusing feeling of people’s mind. Poon has tried many aspects of oil painting skill, with the understanding of tradition. Of course, every artist is willing to explore and improve their own style under this frequency changing era.