吳國英,生於1957年,北京。 畢業於清華大學美術學院。近年來埋頭創作,以寫實性的超現實主義表現方式,表達對當今社會現實的感
受和看法,尤以《光陰—癡思長繩繫日》,《邯鄲學步》,《坐而論道》等作品,深獲畫壇好評;繪畫藝術被報刊雜誌,網路電視等媒體廣泛報導,獲得很高的讚譽; 吳國英的繪畫創作充滿了迷人的色彩,恢宏的氣勢和飽滿的構圖,尤其是他近年的超現實繪畫創作,更展現出畫家對於東西方文化的碰撞,飛速發展變幻的世界,物欲迷漫的社會與人們的心靈道德層面的矛盾糾結思考及質問。

Wu Guoying was born in 1957, Beijing, graduated from Tsinghua University.
In recent years, he has engaged in artistic creation as a faithful follower of Realism, he likes to use Realism as a tool to express his own feeling about the social phenomena that is happening today. “Time - long rope links the sun” and Imitating Handen”, “Sit and talk of dogma” are well acclaimed in the art circle. Wu’s painting is full of fascinating colors, rich in composition, especially his latest Surrealist series, has shown the impact of collision between the culture of East and West, the rapid movement of world, the materialistic society and the hazy contradictions of people’s moral thinking.



坐 而 論 道

大 格 局
great line-up



Planned to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Yellow Sea, spy planes kept spying, and now the culprit of South China Sea
and Diaoyu Islands conflict, always clamoring to return to Asia , lest the world into chaos , guess who is the biggest
terrorist in the world. Through metaphor, symbolism and a mix-up space of present and past, I meant to express the reality of the world, especially the collision of East- West culture, and the conflicts due to the discrepancies of traditional value among nations, so as to simulate the complex relationship between nation and nation in terms of confrontations, conflict, compromise and trade-off.
The western woman and eastern woman in the painting, both hold a bird cage, with an eagle in the western hand and
a dove of peace in the eastern hand. From a first glance, it seems like the two women are talking about the birds but
soon you feel differently due to the eyes of fierce eagle and the unharmonious posture of the dove. Then you notice
the two bird lovers sitting there are not real friend, this is because of the strong attitude, the arrogant look and the ‘no
doubt’ gestures from the western woman who is wearing a stars and stripes short, plus the bald eagle she kept is not so friendly, presumably her desire to return to Asia is too obvious. In fact, the background of the painting is the ruins of
Yuanmingyuan that I intended to remind people to remember the lesson of history while the Imperialism has never disappeared. If you look closer to the China map trampled by the foot of a western girl, then you will notice the special meaning from the hand of an eastern girl grabbing a world map.