1963年生於河南省洛陽市,於1980年移居香港,並於 1984年畢業於香港美術專科學校 。 於 1989年 至 1992年 於中央美術學院油畫系進修 。2008年畢業於中國藝術研究院油畫創作研究工作室研究生課程班 ,現居住北京 。
2008 《拓展與融合—中國現代油畫研究展》
2009 《凈界》卓曉光畫展-香港大一藝術設計學院
香港青年藝術家邀請大展。 香港雲峰畫苑
2010 第十一屆全國美展獲獎
2011 《藝術家眼中的當代中國——中國油畫藝術展》
2012 《香港首屆油畫大賽2012》一等獎
《 第十屆全國水彩,粉畫作品展 》(優秀作品獎)
《 鼎新華南-吾土吾民 油畫邀請展》
2013 《挖掘與發現—第三屆中國油畫新人展》
《 水沁三彩—港澳臺水彩畫家作品邀請展












Cheuk, 1963 born in Luoyang China. Immigrated to Hong
Kong in 1963. Graduated from Hongkong Fine Art School in
1984. In 1989-1992, graduate student in Centre Academy of
Fine Art Beijing China. In 2008, obtained the Master degree
course in Chinese National Academy of Art Currently living
in Beijing.
2008 Exhibition of “Invitational for the 30th anniversary
of Chinese National Academy of Art, Beijing”
2009 Solo exhibition, the “Clear Space”Cheuk Hiu
Kwong Oil Painting Exhibition
“Hong Kong Youth Artists Invitation Exhibition”,
Wan Fung Art Gallery HK
2010 “Oil Painting and Contemporary Society - Chinese
Oil Painting Exhibition”
2011 “Contemporary Hong Kong - Hong Kong
Contemporary Artists Association’s first exhibition”
“Artists in the eyes of contemporary China -
Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition”
“Second National Watercolor Painting Exhibition”
2012 “Hong Kong’s First Oil Painting Contest 2012” award
“The 10th National Watercolor and Pastel
“Took the lead in South - My Land and My Nation
Oil Painting Exhibition”
2013 “Digging & Found - Third Chinese Oil Painting
Exhibition newcomers”
“Water Qin three color - Hong Kong, Macao and
Taiwan watercolorist Artworks Exhibition”



淨界 No.1
zen no.1
淨 界 No.3
zen no. 3



In preferment of art, the most profound expression comes from life. My inspiration also comes from life, locking the picture in a moment, using the modern design creates a harmony layout with the traditional drawing skills to demonstrate the detail of artworks: the water-tap in bathroom, cats, mirrors, fog and the bathing woman… Through the specific subject to express imagination and the new perspective to interpret the veil of Oriental culture.