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《In the time of Italy》作品展

香港云峰画苑将于2016年10月28日至11月12日举办《In the time of Italy》作品展,是次展览将展出三位艺术家江淳、高楠、奥村譲绘画意大利的风景画,展出作品约二十幅。 江淳、高楠、奥村譲三位分别来自中国、香港及日本的画家先后游历意大利,并以画笔留下意大利动人的一刻。江淳的水彩画风格写实,刻画细腻,犹如一张张照片记下意大利不同城市最独特的光与影;高楠绘画威尼斯运河的油画色彩丰富,作品赏心悦目;而奥村譲的画作极具想象力,以创新的风格及绚烂的用色重新诠释出意大利活泼、热情的一面。是次展览为今年意大利领事馆所举行的第二届美丽意大利文化节(Bellissima Italia)其中一项艺术展览活动之一,希望透过展览宣传不同画家笔下的意大利风光,从而加深香港人对意大利文化的认识。 云峰画苑诚意邀请大家参观是次展览,开展一趟风光如画的旅程,邂逅迷人的意式风情。 谨订于2016年10月28日(星期五)下午3时正 于香港云峰画苑总部举办《In the time of Italy》开幕酒会


Wan Fung Art Gallery proudly presents In the time of Italy from 28th October to 12th November 2016. The exhibition showcases around 20 selected paintings of Italy. The opening reception will start at 3pm, 28th October, 2016.


The exclusive exhibition showcases works by three renowned artists from Hong Kong, Japan and China. Ko Nam, Okamura Yuzura and Jiangchun have been traveled around Italy in different time and space, but this new group show will feature their signature landscape paintings of Italy, covering the scenic Milan church, the Venetian canal as well as the Florence architectures. Under the artists'' brushes, these paintings not only recorded their impression and love of Italy''s rich culture, history and art, but also condensed the poetic memories in their private moments in Italy.


In the time of Italy is a unit event of Bellissima Italia, a grand festival promoted by Consulate General of Italy, aims to present the stunning view of Italy in different time and space. Wan Fung Art Gallery cordially invites you to enjoy the show. Admission is free to all parties.



奧村譲  OkumuraYuzuru_米蘭大教 Milan Cathedral_36x51cm_布面丙烯  acrylic on canvas


奧村譲  OkumuraYuzuru_托斯卡綱山城 San Gimignano_36x51cm_布面丙烯  acrylic on canvas


奧村譲  OkumuraYuzuru_威尼斯的大運河 The Canal of Venice_25x72cm_布面丙烯  acrylic on canvas


高楠 Ko Nam_威尼斯運河畔 Venetian Riverside_40x50cm_ 油畫 oil on canvas


江淳 Jiang Chun_佛羅倫斯小巷 Lane of Florence_55x75.5cm_水彩紙本 watercolor on paper


江淳 Jiang Chun_羅馬街頭漫步 Stroll in the street of Rome_55x75cm_水彩紙本 watercolor on paper


江淳 Jiang Chun_米蘭杜莫主教堂 Cathedral Duomo of Milan_50.5x77.5cm_水彩紙本 watercolor on paper







    国 画
    油 画
    版 画
    水 彩
    书 法
    铅 笔
    钢 笔
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