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展览日期:2009年8月8日-2009年8月28日                    展览地点:香港云峰画苑
展览时间:星期一至六 (上午10时至下午7时) 星期日及公众假期(下午1时至6时)

开幕茶会:    2009年8月8日 (星期六) 下午3时
展览日期:    2009年8月8日 至 2009年8月28日
开放时间:    星期一至六 (上午10时至下午7时)
                   星期日及公众假期 (下午1时至6时)
举办地点:    云峰画苑 (香港太古城中心三座地下全层 ― 地铁太古站E1出口)
网     址 :    www.wanfung.com.cn
公众查询:     Tel: 2736 9623    Email: info@wanfung..com.hk 
    云峰画苑将于二零零八年八月八日举办中国当代杰出人物画名家精品大展,期间将展出多达六十多位中港名家总共百多幅作品,当中包括王明明、石  齐、何家英、梁岩、胡永凯、孙建林、张镇华等当代人物画大师之精品。
    中国人物画历史悠久,初期主要作装饰之用,后来开始具有教育、宗教、政治的功能和意义,至于当代的人物画,更发展成一种艺术造诣的追求和美的表达,步入了人物画创作之巅峰时期,在中国当代艺术中奠下了举足轻重的地位。中国当代人物画的卓越成就见于其艺术水平之高和创作技巧之难,不但揉合了中西、古今的绘画精髓,在独特中更具多元性,可谓是百花齐放,例如王明明融合文人画之憩淡美与现代意识,以及传统笔墨之精神与生活之深悟,擅于建构梦幻与现实交融之情景;石齐独创了具象、印象、抽象三结合新画风,作品既鲜明又耐人寻味;何家英以其东方情愫及严谨执着的创作闻名;梁岩的水墨肖像画的笔法具雄劲、线条准确,笔下的人物以生动传神见称;胡永凯的作品色彩鲜明、内容丰富,广受中外欢迎;孙建林把中国工笔画、民间艺术和现代色彩有机地熔于一炉 , 产生了风格独一无二、难度极高的艺术新流派;张镇华之线条功架在当代画坛上是数一数二地超凡,题材富趣味性及中国古代民间色彩。
Contemporary Chinese Figure Paintings by Distinguished Masters
 8.8.2009 – 28.8.2009
This August, Wan Fung Art Gallery has the honour to present to you more than 100 contemporary figure paintings by around 60 distinguished masters, including Wang Mingming, Shi Qi, He Jiaying, Liang Yan, Hu Yongkai, Sun Jianlin and Zhang Zhen Hua.
Chinese figure painting first appeared out of decorative purpose, after some time it became educationally, religiously and politically functional and meaningful. It has now developed into an artistic pursuit. It is no exaggeration to say that it has entered its climax of development and occupied a powerful status in the contemporary Chinese art world. The achievement of contemporary figure painting is contributed by its high artistic level and difficult skills. Contemporary figure painting has merged the essence of the East and the West, and tradition and modernity. Its specialty embodies diversity like the way a hundred flowers bloom in blossom. For examples, Wang Mingming has combined scholarly quietness with modern mind, and spirituality of traditional Chinese brushstrokes with philosophy of life, he is especially good at constructing scenes of realistic dreams and dreamy reality; Shi Qi created the fusion of realism, impressionism and abstraction. His unique style brightens viewers’ eyes and moves them deep into thoughts; He Jiaying is famous for his Oriental emotions and serious creativity; Liang Yan’s portraits of ink and water demonstrate magnificent strength and accurate contours, his figures are well-known for their liveliness; Hu Yongkai''s paintings of vibrant colors and wonderful contents are popular among viewers from both the East and the West; Sun Jianlin has organically fused Chinese brushwork, folk art and modernity together to form an unique and highly complicated style; Zhang Zhen Hua is one of the best in mastering lines, his themes are mainly about Chinese folk culture.
Finally, it is also important to note that behind these amazing achievements are many hardships these artists suffered during their early years. Their experiences of political service set the direction of their artistic developments and contributed greatly to their skills, besides, the intense competition during those years had made each of them unique and successful.
This exhibition is too overwhelmingly rich in content to be illustrated with words, honorably Wan Fung Art Gallery invite you to join us in the witness of this artistic blossom of Chinese pride.

Opening Reception   :     3pm , Sat , 8th August, 2009
Exhibition Period       :     8-28th August, 2009                                        
Gallery Hours    :     Mon to Sat 10am to 7pm; Sun & Public Holidays 1pm to 6pm

Exhibition Venue       :     Wan Fung Art Gallery  (G/F, Cityplaza Three, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong; MTR Taikoo Exit E1)
Website             :     www.wanfung.com.cn
General Enquiry         :     Tel: 2736 9623    Email: info@wanfung.com.hk
当代杰出中国人物画精品大展名单: ( 六十余位各地名家 )
王明明、王有政、王西京、王美芳-赵国经、石  齐、石  虎、石  晶、李永文、李乃蔚、李儒光、何家英、宋玉辉、宋彦军、宋维诚、朱训德、伍启中、江立峰、江恩莲、沈道鸿、余宏达、林  墉、林月光、林滨帆、武卫平、姜志峰、姜建林、胡永凯、马西光、南海岩、孙建林、孙成新、韦江琼、海  天、梁  岩、梁培龙、彭先诚、冯长江、张  广、张绍城、张镇华、项维仁、赵  夫、杨  鹏、刘大为、刘可明、刘济荣、潘  缨、潘汶汛、蒋太禄、蔡  超、邹  莉、邓先仙、关玉良、卢甫圣、卢  平、锺增亚、锺汝荣、苏国超、苏维贤、顾迎庆。
( 排名不分先后,以姓氏笔划为序 )

艺术家: 冯长江
名  称:
规  格: 84x91.5cm

艺术家: 冯长江
名  称: 东瀛丽人
规  格: 91x81cm

艺术家: 胡永凯
名  称: 花季
规  格: 121x123cm

艺术家: 胡永凯
名  称: 对镜
规  格: 73.5x71cm

艺术家: 石齐
名  称: 白蛇传
规  格: 84x75cm

艺术家: 何家英
名  称: 闲日
规  格: 65x75cm

艺术家: 梁岩
名  称: 太行山人
规  格: 185.5x124.5cm

艺术家: 梁岩
名  称:
规  格: 81.5x52cm

艺术家: 南海岩
名  称:
规  格: 182x122cm

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