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展览日期:2008年6月28日-2008年7月7日                    展览地点:香港云峰画苑
展览时间:星期一至六 (上午10时至下午7时) 星期日及公众假期(下午1时至6时)

查询电话: 2736 9623


 开幕茶会: 2008年6月28日 (星期六) 下午3时     艺术家将莅临与观众会面

On 28 June - 7 July 2008, Wan Fung Art Gallery proudly presents “Lasting Beauty – New Works by Feng Changjiang”, a painting exhibition by the World Outstanding Artist award recipient Feng Changjiang who was born in the Chinese ancient capital city Xi’an and has created his colorful fine brushwork paintings of Women at Our Time, for which women symbolize love and beauty throughout human history. Free admission. All are welcome. Media are cordially invited to report, or interview the artist, or ask for more artwork images.
He has been appointed to restore ancient frescoes in China, therefore acquired extraordinarily fine brushwork as well as the classic and rich coloring techniques which help glorify not only the outer but also the inner beauty of modern women. His works capture the soul behind the appearance of human and therefore move hearts of audience worldwide. His works are now collected by the US White House, Metropolitan Museum, Vatican, United Nations, National Art Museum of China, Chinese Historical Museum, Chinese National Olympics Committee, Shenzhen Museum, etc.
    冯长江1997年以「世界杰出美术家」身份定居美国。1998年起,其作品进入美国、加拿大的主流画廊,包括美国东方画廊、曼哈顿的中国艺术中心及纽约曼哈顿苏荷区Benedetti Gallery。2001年始,冯的作品成为香港苏富比、佳士得、中国嘉德、北京翰海的固定拍品,深受业内人士和国内外收藏家的追捧。2004年被中国画投资与鉴赏协会评为「二十一世纪最具投资价值的十大画家」之一。2008年,美国著名非牟利官方艺术网站 “十个梦美术画廊”(TenDreams.org) 更评选冯长江为近两个世纪全球三百位最杰出的画家之一,选入其作品十余帧,作为环球优秀艺术作品供世界各地朋友欣赏,其卓越成就及地位与其余五位蜚声国际的华人画家包括陈逸飞等齐名。
Artist Biography
Feng Changjiang, male, was born in Xi’an, one of the ancient capitals of China in July 1943. He is a native of Hua County in Henan Province, and had been a member of the Chinese Artists Association, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association, as well as Dean of Shan’xi Art Institute.
While still a little child, Feng Changjiang developed strong interest in drawing. His art life started out from learning techniques of western painting. Later, he focused on studying Chinese ink-wash painting before finally settling on rich-color meticulous painting. In 1974, Feng Changjiang studied traditional rich-color meticulous painting and replication of ancient frescos from the nationally renowned art historian as well as painter Pan Jiezi. Having spent great amount of time studying and replicating ancient frescos at Yong Le Palace (Rui City), Qing Long Temple (Jieshan County), Fansi Rock, Kaihua Temple (Gaoping) and Louyu Tomb (Taiyuan), Feng has benefited abundantly in his artistic development, which paved the way for his later individual artistic style.
Feng Changjiang specializes in painting portraits and scenes large in size. Not only his solid painting techniques but also his extraordinary capability of affluent artistic expression is conveyed vividly through his modern female portraits full of eastern elegance under his brush in streamline. In his approach to creating an individual style on picture, Feng emphasizes the traditional linear effect of Chinese painting with the application of rich color elements often used in western paintings, thus displaying a strong contemporary sense in his paintings.
The debut Red Silk Ribbon Dance exhibited for the first time at National Art Museum of China was such a huge success that it had earned him high reputation as well as fame. The painting was later published on professional magazines Art and Chinese Paintings. . Feng Changjiang was also featured in large-scale Chinese TV serial program Cultural Celebrities. His fine works have drawn enormous attention from various collectors, including the US White House, Metropolitan Museum, Vatican, United Nations, National Art Museum of China, Chinese Historical Museum, Chinese National Olympics Committee, Shenzhen Museum, etc.
Awarded World Outstanding Artist, Feng Changjiang decided to move to New York in 1997.Later, his first solo exhibition in America was put on at Eastern Gallery. As more and more exhibitions were gradually held at places such as Chinese Art Center and Benedetti Gallery at SOHO Manhattan, Feng’s fame was spreading around the country, bringing him critical acclaim in the art circles. A number of his works from his output were selected to the publications Paintings by Feng Changjiang, Selected Artworks by Feng Changjiang, New Paintings in 2000 by Feng Changjiang, Heavy-color Meticulous Paintings by Feng Changjiang and Rich-color Meticulous Paintings by Feng Changjiang No.2. Since 1998, Feng Changjiang’s artworks have been chosen by international auction houses such as Sotheby’s and Christie’s, and national auction companies like China Guardian and Beijing Han Hai. In 2004, he was awarded with honor by Chinese Painting Investment and Appreciation Association as one of the Ten Most Investible Artists. In 2008, he was selected by the American non-profit making, official art website TenDreams.org to be one of the three hundred World Most Outstanding Artists in recent two centuries, enjoying equal fame with other five Chinese artists such as Chen Yifei.

艺术家: 冯长江
名  称: 新娘
规  格: 91x170cm

艺术家: 冯长江
名  称: 花季
规  格: 92.5x85cm

艺术家: 冯长江
名  称: 持玫瑰的女郎
规  格: 92.5x85cm

艺术家: 冯长江
名  称: 留住美丽
规  格: 90x83.5cm

艺术家: 冯长江
名  称: 和弦
规  格: 92.5x171cm

艺术家: 冯长江
名  称: 高贵的女郎
规  格: 92.5x85cm

艺术家: 冯长江
名  称: 红衣女郎
规  格: 92.5x85cm

艺术家: 冯长江
名  称: 盛装丽人
规  格: 132x66cm

艺术家: 冯长江
名  称: 东瀛新娘
规  格: 144.5x91cm

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