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Exhibition Period:2008年3月27日-2008年3月31日                    Exhibition Venue:香港云峰画苑
Gallery Hours:星期一至六 (上午10时至下午7时) 星期日(下午1时至6时)

咨询电话:(852)2736 9623


          谨订于2008年3月27日(星期四)下午三时整 于香港云峰画苑举办
   云峰画苑  敬约                                                                 
在2007年的一个炎夏,本地国画家邓国荣先生经友人介绍,到访位于港岛南区的香港弱能儿童护助会。医院充满爱和生机:花卉盘桓、水绿山清、蝴蝶起舞;治疗中的儿童安静地上课、医护人员悉心训练患病中的儿童。这一幕幕真摰的情景,令人深信「活着就有希望」。 香港弱能儿童护助会能有今天的成果,实在有赖社会各界善长人翁一贯以来的慷慨支持。
医护人员的热诚与孩童的希望,如邓国荣先生笔下的繁花一样灿烂动人,邓先生遂萌起捐画行善的念头。 此举随即获得中国著名艺术鉴赏家兼云峰画苑创办人郭浩满先生,以及希慎兴业有限公司的全力支持,携手举办「慈和的笔触·邓国荣筹款作品展」这别具意义的活动。
港岛东太古城中心三座地下全层 (太古地铁E1出口) 电话 2736 9623
香港弱能儿童护助会  ( www.srdc.org.hk )
香港薄扶林大口环道12号 电话 2819 3050
Event Introduction
It was in a hot summer day in 2007 when the local Chinese painter Mr George Tang Kwok Wing visited The Society for the Relief of Disabled Children. Filled with love and vitality, the hospital, which is just adjacent to the sea, was surrounded by blossoms and trees. The butterflies interlaced between wards; children sat attentively in classrooms taking lessons; medical officers working hard to alleviate the suffering of the children. The touching scenes made us believe that ‘living means hope’. Had not been for the generous support and donation from the community, The Society for the Relief of Disabled Children would not be able to provide such services to the less fortunate ones.
The sincerity of the medical professionals and the hope in the children somewhat resemble the beautiful floral paintings of Mr Tang, who decided to donate his paintings to help the underprivileged children. His goodwill was echoed by Mr Kwok Homun, the acclaimed connoisseur and the founder of Wan Fung Art Gallery, and also Hysan Development Company Limited. With their support, we together present to you this meaningful event ‘A Soothing Brush - Mr George Tang Kwok Wing Charity Paintings Exhibition’.
‘A Soothing Brush - Mr George Tang Kwok Wing Charity Paintings Exhibition’ Commemorative Album
60 Pages of colourful paintings, Selling Price HK$ 200, can be purchased at:
Wan Fung Art Gallery
G/F, Cityplaza III, Taikoo Shing, Island East (Taikoo MTR Exit E1) Tel: 2736 9623
The Society for the Relief of Disabled Children
12, Sandy Bay Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong Tel: 2819 3050
All are welcome to the exhibition. Admission free
Proceeds of all paintings and commemorative albums will benefit The Society for the Relief of Disabled Children.
The Society for the Relief of Disabled Children cordially invites you to the opening reception for
A Soothing Brush – Mr George Tang Kwok Wing Charity Paintings Exhibition
at 3pm, Thursday, 27 March 2008.
Enquiry: 2736 9623
 ( 一 )
日期 Date :                 2008年3月27-31日
时间 Opening Hours :         星期一至六 Mon to Sat 10:00 - 19:00
星期日 Sun 13:00 - 18:00
地点 Venue :              云峰画苑 Wan Fung Art Gallery
港岛东太古城中心三座地下全层 (太古地铁E1出口)
G/F, Cityplaza Three, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong (Taikoo MTR Exit E1)
( 二 )
日期 Date :                 2008年4月15日 - 18日
地点 Venue :              香港铜锣湾利园山希慎道33号
Ground Floor, Office Lobby of Lee Gardens,
33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Artist Biography
Tang Kwok Wing George, male, native of San Shui in Guangdong, was born in Hong Kong in 1948.
He was graduated from St Paul’s Co-educational College, especially enjoyed Chinese Literature. He majored in Social Sciences in the University of Hong Kong in 1968. After graduation, he was awarded a scholarship to study law in London and had served in the HKSAR Department of Justice after coming back. Now he is a practicing lawyer of Hong Kong, UK, Australia and Singapore.
Both his parents practice Chinese painting and he has been fond of drawing since his childhood. At his seven, he was taught by Mr Pao Shiu Yau, master of the second generation of Lingnan School, on Chinese painting. Eight years later, he furthered his studies with the guidance of Mr Ng Shan, also a renowned Chinese ink painting master. He zealously took part in various art exhibitions even when he was studying in London. As a busy professional, he still insists to practice painting everyday.
He has always loved flowers and plants, in particular peonies. He pays detailed attention to the vegetation along the street and in playgrounds. In his home garden, he has grown lots of flowers for painting and appreciation. His meticulous flower-and-birds painting has incorporated the essence of Chinese painting tradition and Western color theory, revealing an air of invigoration and elegance.

Size: 213x94cm
Title:活色生香 Fragrance of Spring

Size: 216x96.5cm
Title:花开富贵喜迎春 Celebrating the Spring Fest

Size: 95x215cm

Size: 91x198cm
Title:天香富贵洛阳城 Blossoms in the Opulent Luo Yang

Size: 96.5x213cm
Title:群芳吐艳 Beauty in Abundance

Size: 216x96.5cm
Title:喜上眉梢 Delight and Joy at the Twig

Size: 127x91cm

Size: 91x89cm
Title:天香玉素 As Pure as Jade

Size: 96.5x94cm
Title:春花搜影 Springtime Harmony

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